Why Pesticide-Free Lice Removal Is The Safest Option

The safest option for lice removal is with natural products and manual removal. Unfortunately, many of the mainstream options are not the best for your children and family, even though they are marketed that way. Here is why you should always choose natural lice removal if lice strikes.

No Toxic Chemicals 

Many traditional lice removal products contain pesticides like permethrin or pyrethrins. These harmful chemicals are designed to kill lice but can also cause a lot of damage and irritation, not to mention larger health risks. We like to say, if it’s not safe to eat, it’s not safe to put on your head! 

Safer For Repeated Use

This thing about lice is that it’s not just a “one and done” situation. There is no limit to how many times someone can get lice which means you could potentially find yourself having to bring out your lice removal products more than once. If you are relying on pesticide-ridden products you have to think about how often you are exposing yourself and your family to harmful chemicals. Repeated lice infestations are difficult enough to deal with, you should not have to also think twice about the chemicals you may using. Stick to natural products! 

Lice Have Grown Resistant 

Over time, lice have grown resistant to many of the pesticides and chemicals that are found in lice treatment products. Natural products on the other hand work mechanically, for example suffocating lice and stopping them in their tracks, so they are still effective. Not only are natural products safer, they are also more effective!

Safe For Everyone

Lice does not discriminate, so if there is an outbreak in your home likely everyone is getting it! This includes babies, pregnant mothers, older grandparents, and toxic lice removal products are not ideal for anyone of any age. With natural products, anyone can use them as much as they need and you don’t have to worry! 

Looking for safe, natural, and effective lice removal products? Our formulas are tried and true and have been helping families for over 25 years! Learn more here

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