Here’s Why You Should Actively Prevent Lice

Actively preventing lice will help you stay ahead of the chaos that lice can bring upon your household. Here is why you should be dealing with lice before there is even an outbreak. 

Early Detection and Preventing Outbreaks
If you are actively on the lookout for lice you can detect it before it becomes a larger issue. Early detection also means that you can prevent an outbreak from happening. If you find lice on your child early on you can get it removed before they spread it to others in your family, at school, or their activities. 

Avoiding Discomfort and Emotional Stress
Lice can cause a lot of discomfort, from itchy scalps to feeling uncomfortable in general. If you catch a lice outbreak early on you can avoid that potential discomfort. Additionally, lice can cause emotional stress. From potentially missing work or school to spending hours removing lice, an outbreak can cause a lot of additional stress.

Reducing Treatment Time
Finding an outbreak early on can also reduce the treatment time. If a lice outbreak is left untreated it will take a lot longer to effectively remove, and can be far more costly of a process.

Here’s How You Can Stay Ahead of An Outbreak:

Schedule a Professional Screening
We get it, life happens and it is easy to forget about checking for lice. One easy way to remember to get a professional lice screening is to schedule an appointment at the same time that you make your child’s yearly checkup.

Maintain manual checks
In addition to yearly professional lice screenings, you should also conduct either monthly or if possible, weekly lice screenings. Here is an easy guide to evaluating lice at home. By checking for lice periodically you can find an outbreak early on. 

Prevention Spray
Another great way to prevent lice is with our natural lice prevention spray which can be used on all non-washable items such as carpets, couches, toys, hats, car seats, and other household or classroom items. It stops lice in their tracks and saves you from exhaustion.

Keep Your Hair Up
The most common way that lice spreads from one person to another is from head-to-head contact. If your child has longer hair, keeping the hair pulled back and up can help prevent lice from latching onto the bottom of the hair and spreading. 

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