How To Prevent Lice This Winter

It is a common misconception that lice are only around in the summer. Unfortunately, lice are a year-round threat so here are our recommendations to prevent lice this winter. 

Discuss With Your Children

The first step to lice prevention is awareness. Sit your family down and discuss that lice is nothing to be ashamed of, but this holiday season you do not want to bring it into your home. Remind your children to try to avoid head-to-head contact and not to share their hats or scarves.

Avoid Sharing Winter Items

Speaking of not sharing hats or scarves, lice love to travel from head-to-head during the colder months via hats, ear muffs, scarves, or really anything that may be touching your head. Don’t make it easy for lice to spread this holiday season and avoid sharing these items.

Store “High-Risk” Items Separately

You can take prevention a step further by storing the “high-risk” items separately after your kids come home from school or their holiday activities. Lice cannot live more than a day or two without a scalp to feed off, so storing hats and scarves separately for a few days will help avoid a possible infestation in your home.

Use Lice Prevention Spray and Oil 

Lice prevention spray and oil should be used year-round but with colder months requiring the use of hats and scarves, natural lice prevention products can help give you one more level of protection. And bonus, they smell perfectly cozy for this winter!

Conduct Frequent Lice Checks

Another step you should be taking year-round, but especially to prevent lice this winter we recommend frequent lice checks. Conducting lice checks weekly during the colder months can help catch an outbreak before it becomes widespread. It only takes a few minutes and can save you a lot of time and money by catching lice early on. Check out this easy guide on where to check for lice.

Act Quickly If Exposed  

If you do end up finding lice on your children’s scalp it is imperative to act quickly so the infestation doesn’t spread to others during the busy holiday season! If you want to remove the lice at home, here is a step-by-step video guiding you. Our Hair Fairies also offer house calls, so your schedule can stay on track. Or you can simply make an appointment at one of our locations.

The last thing you want to deal with is lice visiting your home this holiday season. Follow our tips and stay vigilant to help prevent lice this winter. But if lice does strike, don’t panic, we are here to help!

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