How Camp Admin Can Keep Lice Under Control This Summer

Close quarters and fun activities make camps the perfect place for lice to infest. Here are our tips for how camp admin can mitigate lice and stay ahead of any outbreaks this summer!

Mouthwash For Lice Removal – Helpful or Harmful?

Mouthwash is a common household item used when lice panic sets in, but it's not effective and dangerous, here's why you should avoid it.

Lice Eggs, Nits, Nymphs & Adults: FAQ

A female louse may only lay up to 6 eggs per day, but most of those eggs will eventually turn into egg-laying adults.

Why Gasoline as a Lice Treatment Is a Tragedy Waiting to Happen

Let’s recap the dangers of using gasoline to treat head lice and learn the truth about other at-home remedies.

Super Lice: Lice Resistant to Treatment

Back in 1996, the NPA had issued a warning that head lice were developing a resistance to common over-the-counter treatments.

Can Pets Get Lice? Dogs, Cats & Lice

Read on to learn whether your dogs and cars are in danger of contracting lice and what to do if they get them.

Winter Is Coming! But Are Lice Coming with It?

The truth is that head lice never go out of season. Just because it is cold outside doesn’t mean you are automatically protected.

The 12 Craziest Myths About Lice

Let's explore some of the most common myths about lice and lice treatments to help prepare you in the event of a lice outbreak.

How to Properly Comb for Lice and Nits

If you want to properly comb for Lice then you have to learn the facts about lice treatments, including what works and what does not.

Know Your Enemy: Understanding the Life Cycle of Head Lice

If you find yourself dealing with a lice infestation, you need to start with the basics: the life cycle of lice.

Treatment Worse Than the Cure? Why Natural Head Lice Treatments Are Best

When it comes to head lice treatment, some of the most popular options on the market not only fail to work, but could actually be harmful to children.

Hair Fairies Founder Maria Botham Recommends Manual Removal for Lice Control

Maria Botham, founder and president of Hair Fairies, suggests a safer and more effective approach: manual removal of lice and nits.