Missing The Mark With Lice

There are several ways that parents, pediatricians, dermatologists, school nurses, and educators often miss the mark when it comes to lice detection, removal, and product information. Here’s a breakdown of common pitfalls.

Oftentimes lice gets misdiagnosed as dandruff or hair product residue. This can be dangerous because an infestation can be missed and it can become a much larger issue. Next time you are unsure if it’s lice eggs or dandruff, remember this rule of thumb: if it moves when agitated then it is dandruff. Lice eggs are cemented onto your hair shaft so they won’t move when touched. 

Household Misconceptions
Another mistake people make is focusing on cleaning the house and laundering everything so that lice don’t spread, rather than focusing on the scalp and removing the lice infestation. Time is of the essence when there is a lice outbreak so the first priority should be the scalp. Lice cannot live more than about 2 days off the head so even if lice have made their way into your home they won’t last long! 

Inconsistent Lice Checks
We often see this happen at schools where mass lice screenings may happen but they are not consistent. This goes for at-home screenings too. Staying consistent with it will help you catch a lice outbreak early on before it becomes a much larger issue. 

Overlooking Lice
Another mistake that we see is healthcare professionals overlooking lice when someone comes in complaining of itching. The medical professional’s first inclination can sometimes be eczema or allergic reactions, missing lice entirely resulting in a larger outbreak. If you or someone in your family is suffering from scalp itchiness, make sure to check for lice as you go down the list of possible ailments.

If you have fallen victim to any of these common pitfalls and missed the mark with lice, it is okay! We want to remind everyone that Hair Fairies is a judgment-free zone where we are here to help you with headlice questions, removal, and prevention!

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